Driving innovation and continuous improvement

In today’s highly competitive market, successful organisations must be open to change if they are to maintain their business advantage. Being forward looking and receptive to new ideas are essential elements of JCA’s approach to continuous improvement. We like to challenge ourselves to achieve what is possible. JCA is committed to regularly reviewing business methods and processes in the drive for improvement.

Our innovations range from tangible aspects such as advances in technology, machinery and systems as well as intangible aspects such as improvements in behavioural delivery, customer service and operational culture. All our innovations are designed to improve service delivery to our clients. We will review every client on their unique requirements and ensure we look to pursue the optimal approach to delivering a cutting-edge solution.

Below we have detailed what innovation looks like at JCA and how examples of innovation have delivered for our clients.

The design of Modular Chilled Beams in a critical care facility

JCA Professional Services were responsible for the engineering design of a major project at the Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, involving an expansion of their ICU (Intensive Care Unit) and NICU (Neo-natal Intensive Care Unit). The design needed to meet the guidelines set out within the associated HTM (Health Technical Memorandum) for Critical Care Facilities.

A major design consideration for this project was the introduction of enhanced daylight in to the critical care units, as daylight was linked to well-being and recovery to patients. The expanded ICU was positioned on the roof with the majority of the new build elevations being made of glass. This required careful consideration towards the design treatment of the façade, glazing and associated cooling and heating systems.

These design challenges became more extensive as the existing engineering environment was complex due to highly serviced existing ceiling voids. In addition, any future engineering upgrades had to be designed so that the existing ICU and NICU remained operational at all times during construction.

The façade and glazing were designed utilising high performance materials to overcome the problematical issues of solar gain and heat losses for a roof top location.

The existing cooling and heating systems consisted of a combination of centralised HVAC and fan coil unit installations. JCA proposed removing this type of heating and cooling medium and replacing it with an innovative modular chilled beam solution. JCA worked closely with the system manufacturer Halton, the Architect and Client to create a bespoke design and environment. The chilled beam technology selected involved the design and specification of compact air-conditioning units called Swirl Comfort Units providing a swirl jet air supply.

The high mixing capability of the swirl diffuser means that it can handle high air volumes whilst still producing very low velocities in the patient zone and hence producing high comfort conditions. The Halton air quality control is a hit and miss damper in the centre of the unit which can be opened to allow some of the primary air to mix with the return air and be induced through the coil without going through the nozzles. This allows the modular chilled beam to bring in much more primary air without significantly increasing the duct pressure or the noise level.

The use of chilled beams requires chilled water temperatures at 14/17OC, when compared with the existing traditional systems operating at 6/12OC. Therefore, not only does this JCA design offer a well-informed and appropriate solution to many technical challenges to the critical care facility, it also promotes a reduction in energy usage within the hospital.

The strategic implementation of Microsoft Dynamics 365

JCA has designed, developed and implemented a bespoke cloud-based platform utilising Dynamics 365 across the entire business to offer a Computer Aided Facilities Management system (CAFM), Enterprise Resource Planning system (ERP) and Contact Resource Management system (CRM).

These intelligent systems have been facilitated to support each business function within JCA to improve the business by promoting high levels of enterprise and business support.

Dynamics 365 has provided JCA with the ability to create bespoke management reports and tools surrounding items such as: asset, building life cycle, facilities and maintenance management, customer and resource management.

CAFM System

The functionality of the system is extensive and is the cornerstone of managing all planned and reactive maintenance activities utilising the latest in hand held technology and mobile applications to ensure optimum utilisation of our staff.

Dynamics provides real-time access to meaningful information via unparalleled business intelligence, customer portal and dashboard capabilities.

We are able to provide measurement, accountability, quality auditing, onsite supervisors update tasks via Dynamics and complete specific logs, conduct monthly inspections, compliance audits, toolbox talks and audit reviews to ensure tasks and activities are carried out to relevant standards. Through Dynamics dashboards, our clients have a single point of access for all asset information, history and audit trail.

Asset management and maintenance

In addition, Dynamics 365 Field Service provides a complete asset management solution along with market-leading data management technology to assist in the collection and verification of assets. The asset registers and maintenance programmes will be incorporated into Dynamics 365 during mobilisation, opening up extensive opportunity for rich compliance reporting and asset analytics. Through Dynamics dashboards, our clients can easily access all asset information and visibility of any changes and updates made over the duration of the contract.

Effective supply chain management

Our supply chain is integrated with our CAFM systems to ensure effective and responsive management for our clients. Our internal auditing will identify service areas that fall below required standards. These are immediately visible to clients via our Dynamics CAFM portal and highlighted as part of our monthly quality reporting.

Introduction of JCA’s Standards Charter for our Healthcare sector projects – JCARE

JCA works extensively within the healthcare sector and is very proud of its achievements, having worked on many complex and challenging healthcare projects. Although JCA works closely within the guidelines set out within the numerous hospital and healthcare standards, it has created its own healthcare charter, namely JCARE, which unifies our design, project and maintenance standards.

JCARE promotes healthy, safe, visionary working policies in hospitals and healthcare organisations.