Safety and training
Members of staff at all levels have annual performance and development appraisals with their line manager or director.
These appraisals include health and safety performance (individual and project dependant on role) onsite and identify any training requirements (both health and safety and task/role specific).
JCA’s health and safety training is carried out by a combination of internal training undertaken by our HSQE manager or external training, where a recognised or established course is identified as the best delivery method. Risk assessments and method statements are expected to reflect specific training requirements for the task where appropriate (e.g. PASMA qualification for inspection/use of mobile scaffold towers).
Contractors and JCA management alike are expected to carry out suitable and sufficient risk assessments and method statements for the tasks being carried out.
JCA encourages contractors to use their own format and our health and safety manager will provide guidance and advice where necessary to improve the format without completely changing the original style. Specialist contractors are required to present site and task specific documents and operatives are required to sign both risk assessment and method statement to show they have read and understood the control measures and safe systems of work put in place by their company.
JCA maintains appropriate records and these are closely monitored by our HSQE team and JCA management to ensure that trends do not develop.
Where a trend is spotted the individual occurrences are looked into, to see if there is a common cause or failing. All incidents, which are reportable to the HSE under the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations, are investigated by our health and safety manager to ensure that risk is eliminated or control measures are improved or changed where necessary and that the incident can be learnt from in order to prevent reoccurrence.